Can You Get Dental Implants With Gum Disease?

Can You Get Dental Implants With Gum Disease?

If you're considering getting dental implants, you may have heard that gum disease can sometimes impact your ability to get treatment. Therefore, it's essential to be informed about gum disease and your eligibility for dental implants when making your treatment decision.

At Glen Valley Dentistry, we are here to help you understand dental implants' potential risks and benefits if you think they might be right for you. This post will provide information on whether you can get dental implants with gum disease. Read on to learn more!

What Is Gum Disease?

Gum disease, or periodontal disease, is a severe condition that affects the health of your gums and can even impact other adjacent structures, like your jawbone. It is caused by plaque and tartar buildup, which releases toxins into the soft tissue of your gums, leading to irritation and inflammation. It can progress to an advanced stage without proper care and treatment, affecting the underlying bone structure.

The early symptoms of gum disease can be challenging to detect since they often don't cause pain. However, if left unchecked, it can eventually lead to tooth loss and other serious consequences. Knowing what signs to look for is critical since warning signs include redness in your gums, soreness when you brush or floss, bleeding gums when brushing or flossing, receding gums, and pain when chewing.

Although gum disease requires professional medical attention for proper diagnosis and treatment, many people are still unsure how it could impact their dental implant options.

Can You Get Dental Implants With Gum Disease?

You can get dental implants with gum disease. However, there are a few things to consider. If your gums are infected, a qualified dental professional like Dr. Shaun Williams will treat that infection before placing the implant. This usually means having special procedures, such as deep cleanings and antibiotic treatments.

However, once your infection is treated, and your gums are healthy and strong, you can still get dental implants. The healthier your gums are when you get a tooth implant, the more likely it is to be successful and last for years.

Book an Appointment With Us Today

When considering dental implants with gum disease, your treatment must be tailored to your needs. Depending on the severity of the gum disease, it may or may not be possible to put dental implants in place at all.

When it comes to dental implants with gum disease, speaking to a professional is the best course of action. Dr. Shaun Williams from Glen Valley Dentistry can help assess your risk of infection and offer tailored treatment to help ensure your implant procedure is safe and successful. Contact us today to schedule an evaluation.